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Burton and Bamber
addresses the problem of fruit wastage through value addition of mango for both the domestic and export markets.
Website: https://sweetunda.com/
African Agency For Arid Resources Ltd
is specialized in the collection, grading and sale of non-lumber forestry and natural resources such as 1st and 2nd grade gum Arabic, black frankincense, Hagar/Opoponax, Myrrh, Aloe and Agave for sale in the local and export markets
Website: http://agargumandresins.com/
Lactolife Kenya
supplies dairy products to children in schools helping them meet the recommended serves of dairy and improve their health and performance in convenient, portable, easy-to-serve and pre-portioned servings that suit the different age groups, cultures and dietary requirements of school going children. Facebook
Lentera Ltd
is an innovative soil inputs company that focuses on restoration of micronutrients to improve the productivity of arable soils
Website: http://www.lenterafrica.com/
Safi Organics
is using patented technology to decentralize the fertilizer production process making it accessible and affordable to rural farmers.
Website: http://safiorganics.co.ke/
Stawi Foods and Fruits
processes pre-cooked, fortified porridge flours made from locally sourced ingredients that provide key vitamins and minerals, missing in everyday foods to infants, children and adults among low and middle-income consumers.
Website: http://stawiindustries.com/
Wamu Investments
is a horticultural produce exporting company looking into innovative ways of enhancing food safety compliance and managing post-harvest losses of horticultural produce at the farm and out-grower scheme levels
Website: http://www.wamu.felltech.co.ke/
Africa Collect Textiles
employs the upcycling concept to the textile and footwear industry to manage waste from fast fashion and second-hand clothes which is then looped back into the value chain or transformed into new materials or products
Website: http://africacollecttextiles.com/
Bentos Energy
recycles organic waste into affordable, smokeless, charcoal briquettes, and organic fertilizer for low-income earners, social institutions and farmers.
Website: http://bentosenergy.com/
manufactures low cost building hardware for construction of affordable housing in mid to low-income settlements from waste plastic collected from consumer and industrial waste
Website: https://www.corec.co.ke/
Havillah Smart Enviros
specializes in the collection of recyclable consumer waste from households and aggregation sites for resale to industrial recycling establishments
Website: http://www.havillahsmartenviros.com/
Eden Leather Goods
offers durable and beautifully crafted leather goods (travel bags, belts, wallets and cardholders) at affordable price points for the local individual or corporate consumer.
Website: https://www.edenleather.co.ke/
Jeilo Collections
makes hand-crafted bags from the finest African print fabric or leather adorned with handmade accessories for different occasions and events
Website: https://jeilocollections.com/
Luxury Leather Africa (LULEA)
is built around the belief that quality (design, production and service) is influential in adding greater value to premium leather goods produced for sale in Kenya, Ireland, the UK and USA.
Website: http://www.luleabychesneau.com/
Bumpy Maternity Wear
specializes in the design and production of outfits and accessories for expectant and nursing moms who due to their rapidly changing body shape, have fewer choices of clothing that is trendy and well-fitting at different stages of the maternity cycle.
Website: http://bumpymaternitywear.co.ke/
Koola Waters
treats, packages and distributes purified drinking water that is clean and safe for the urban wholesale consumer and corporate market.
Website: http://www.koolawaters.co.ke/
Saru Organics
makes high performing, natural hair and beauty and personal care products for the modern ethnic woman from naturally occurring extracts and essential oils
Website: https://saruorganics.com/
Alive and Kicking
is a social enterprise that strives to help children exercise their right to play, create ethical employment for communities in Africa and help to improve the quality of life for disadvantaged young people
Website: http://aliveandkicking.org/
IECE – Jikaze Utafaulu
seeks to address the lack of technical and vocational skills among the population living in informal settlements between the ages of 16-40 years. Through a revolving fund and business incubation services.
Website: https://www.iefce.org/

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