Consultancy Assignment: Promoting Use of Climate Services, Integrating Scientific Evidence and Indigenous Knowledge

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The E4Impact Foundation is part of a consortium implementing “Support to Resilience for Sustainable Livelihoods” project in Isiolo County that is funded by the European Union. The overall objective of the EU Project is to contribute towards increased resilience to droughts and other negative impact of climate change for vulnerable groups and reduce number of children under 5 years who are stunted in Isiolo County (WHA – Global Nutrition Target 1 for 2025). The Specific Objective of the project is: to enhance Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) for vulnerable Pastoralist and Agro-pastoralist Communities in Isiolo County, generating Sustainable livelihoods, protecting productive assets and improving climate smart County service delivery. The action will target beneficiaries located mainly in 6 priority wards namely Oldonyiro, Ngaremara, Chari, Cherab, Kinna and Garbattula.

The Expected Output

  • ER1: Improved drought resilient and nutrition-sensitive agriculture/livestock production, integrated with conflict resolution and peace building strategies:
  • ER2: Key productive household (HH) assets and community investments are sustainably built and recovery capacities against recurrent droughts are strengthened, with a particular focus on women’s economic empowerment:
  • ER3: Isiolo County is empowered to address FNS issues, improved data collection and cross-sectoral collaboration to facilitate local political commitment and awareness raising

E4Impact will implement activities related to strengthening resilience of pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities through entrepreneurship, links to markets and development of value chains, enhancing the One Village One Product Initiative, and lobbying Isiolo County to incorporate climate smart technologies for strengthening resilience

Objective of the Research

E4Impact Foundation is currently seeking to hire a consultant on short term basis to develop Terms of Reference on use of climate smart data generated through use of satellite technology for climate resilient decision making.

Consultancy Scope

The short-term consultancy will entail development of ToR to be used to attract bidders to adopt use of climate smart technologies to achieve following programme results to help local communities to make climate resilient decisions

R1. Animal Value chains- Fodder/Camels/Livestock

  1. Tracking herd Movements to avoid overgrazing in specific fields
  2. Mapping of vegetation cover and inform grazing committees
  3. Mapping of water points/pans for watering the animals

R2. Crops Value chains- Horticulture- Onions/Mangoes & Other vegetables

Earth Observation climate technology on

  1. Climate change detection
  2. Weather prediction- accurate/daily/weekly?
  3. Land cover classifications- dryland, green & vegetative etc
  4. Crop health indicators- color pigmentation for land of nutrients (demo farms)

R3. Climate Smart Sustainability and Advocacy Actions

  1. Workshops with grazing committees &
  2. Training the: local climate smart officials; County Government officials; Drought Management Authority (NDMA) officials; on interpreting and dissemination the data & as well as including climate smart actions in their annual budgets so that the actions can go on after the 4 years of the project

NB:- The consultant will be expected to consult with the relevant Isiolo County Government Officers and those from National Government to establish the status on use of satellite technology for climate resilient decisions and action.

Duration: 10 days

Consultancy Activities

The consultant shall be expected to: –

  1. Hold briefing meetings with the client to discuss the activity objectives/expectations
  2. Undertake preliminary data collection – desk studies to determine current technologies on the ground. The consultant shall particularly familiarize themselves with the project proposal to ensure alignment of the ToR developed with the project objectives
  3. Undertake rapid field visits for interviews with key stakeholders such as CCM the lead partner in the said activity in the DRIC Project, County Officials, NDMA, Kenya Meteorological services, local community representatives and other development partners before development of the ToR for the activity
  4. Offer technical advice on the best approach to adopt in implementation of the activity and the necessary hardware and software


The consultant is expected to deliver the following deliverables

  1. Report on stakeholder engagement with clear recommendations on activity implementation
  2. Complete Terms of Reference for the Activity
  3. Review the reports on activity implementation


Advanced Degree in any of the following disciplines in Environmental sciences, Environmental Engineering and any other relevant background

Application Procedure

Interested Individuals should provide the following documents together with the proposal:

  1. Technical proposal or Expression of Interest indicating prior experience and how this assignment will be executed.
  2. Financial proposal
  3. Recent CV with references.

 All applications should be emailed to  by 15th September 2021

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