The E4Impact Foundation is part of the consortium implementing “Support to Resilience for Sustainable Livelihoods” project in Isiolo County that is funded by the European Union. The overall objective of the EU Project is to contribute towards increased resilience to droughts and other negative impact of climate change for vulnerable groups and reduce the number of children under 5 years who are stunted in Isiolo County (WHA – Global Nutrition Target 1 for 2025). The action will target beneficiaries located mainly in 6 priority wards namely Oldonyiro, Ngaremara, Chari, Cherab, Kinna and Garbattula.
E4Impact is implementing activities related to strengthening the resilience of pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities through entrepreneurship, links to markets and development of value chains, enhancing the One Village One Product Initiative, and lobbying Isiolo County to incorporate climate-smart technologies for strengthening resilience
The Assignment
E4Impact Foundation is currently seeking to hire a consultant to carry out detailed Livestock Population census in Isiolo County. The assignment will also entail collecting data on livestock movements, drivers of these movements along with documentation of the challenges and opportunities that exists for the pastoralists in the county.
Geographical Scope
The short-term consultancy will carry out livestock data collection in 6 priority wards namely Oldonyiro, Ngaremara, Chari, Cherab, Kinna, Garbatulla as well as four other wards namely Sericho, Burat, Wabera and Bula Pesa
4 weeks
General Objective of the Livestock Census
The objective of the Livestock data collection is to establish Livestock and poultry population at county and ward levels along with other information related to movement and management.
Specific Objectives
- Plan and carry out livestock population census in each of the targeted wards to obtain data such as livestock type, numbers, sex, breed, use and livestock system.
- Carryout interviews at household, village, ward, and county level to gather data and information related to livestock movements and managements.
- Through the interviews at the different levels, document the challenges and opportunities with livestock farming.
Consultant Qualifications:
1 a) Core responsibilities of the Lead Consultant:-
The lead consultant will be expected to perform the following core responsibilities:
- Review all relevant secondary sources of data and any relevant information to the study.
- Develop all necessary data collection tools, implementation plan, time schedule and present them for review before use.
- Recruit research enumerators and supervisors for the exercise
- Train research enumerators and supervisors for the exercise under the supervision of E4Impact
- Conduct both quantitative and qualitative data collection using acceptable methodologies.
- Develop relevant databases and provide supervision of data collection using the approved methods and procedures to ensure accuracy and quality of data
- Constantly update the client on progress of the exercise through short reports for quality control
- Present draft report for review and input.
- Develop the final report incorporating stakeholders’ feedback
1 b) Skills and knowledge base requirements
- Demonstrated experience in livestock data collection
- Expert in animal population statistics methodology
- Strong analytical, research and presentation skills.
- Excellent report writing skills
- Ability to take on assignments that require travel, mission and/or appointment to field locations.
2) Education
Advanced Degree in any of the following discipline: agriculture (animal husbandry), agricultural economics, statistics, environmental studies, and any other relevant background
Application Procedure
Interested Firms or Individuals should provide the following documents together with the proposal:
- Technical proposal or Expression of Interest indicating prior experience and how this assignment will be executed.
- Financial proposal
- Recent CV with references.
All applications should be emailed to and copied to by 30th of November 2020
Download the Full job description here>>E4mpact: LIVESTOCK POPULATION CENSUS – ISIOLO COUNTY