Terms Of Reference for Consultant To Provide Legal Services To E4Impact Accelerator & Incubator
Project: Incubatore di’ impresa in Kenya
Cup No: J49J21015460008
Contract: Consultancy
Duration: 10 months
RFP: E4I/Incubatore/RFP 04/2022
The E4Impact Foundation’s mission and goal is to train a new generation of impact entrepreneurs in Africa, leveraging partnerships among companies and universities, institutions across the globe. To achieve this goal, E4Impact runs incubation and acceleration centers to provide businesses with entrepreneurial services, such as:
- links with local investors
- Connections with international companies,
- Funding,
- ICT and satellite communication services
- Access to markets
The E4Impact Accelerator and Incubator onboards 30 and 10 enterprises respectively for a period of 12 months. The enterprises receive training, links to markets & investors as well as professional services during the engagement period.
The objective of this consultancy is to provide comprehensive legal advice and training to the E4Impact Entrepreneurs in relation to legal compliance.
The Consultant will:
3.1 Carry out basic due diligence on the enterprises
3.2 Prepare an inception report which details the methodology/approach to the assignment and a related work implementation plan;
3.3 Assist with business conversion or incorporation of new companies e.g. for business that are operating as sole proprietorships
3.4 Provide advice on the shareholding structures, shareholders agreements and company reorganization in the firms that are looking to restructure their businesses
3.5 Provide advice on laws and regulations related the sectors that the companies are operating in
3.6 Provide and review the basic sample contracts issued to the companies i.e.
- Stockists and Distributor Agreements.
- Employment contracts;
- Sale Agreements;
- Non-disclosure agreements
3.7 Provide advice on the intellectual property needs of the companies
3.8 Prepare and submit for discussion, a report of the findings of the contract review and contract management process at the Coordinating Unit and recommendations for their enhancement;
3.9 Prepare and provide legal training on areas of interest and agreed with E4Impact Accelerator
3.10 Submit the final documents at 3.5 above and the finalized report on findings and recommendations informed by comments received.
The consultant will submit to the Coordinating Unit for approval the following:
Outputs |
1. Inception Report to include, inter alia, the detailed proposed methodology and a Work Implementation Plan |
2. An initial report of the findings of the contract review and contract management process review at the and recommendations for enhancing |
3. Enhanced contract templates for the Entrepreneurs |
4. Final Report with enterprise due diligence |
The terms and conditions of the CONTRACT shall apply for the duration of the CONTRACT, beginning on the date of this assignment, or the actual date of commencement of the WORK whichever is earlier, and the COMPLETION DATE of April 30, 2023
6.1 Financial proposal should be submitted separately.
Payment of the Consultant for the provision of deliverables outlined in Clause 4 above shall be according to the following schedule:
Acceptance of the Inception Report 30%
Acceptance of the First Draft Report 35%
Acceptance of the Final Report 35%
Total 100%
Eligible Consultants should have the following qualifications and experience:
8.1 Law Degree with specialization in contract law, employment law or related field;
8.2 A team with at least ten cumulatively years relevant and experience in providing legal services
8.3 Familiarity with, as well as experience working with entrepreneurs and investors
8.4 Excellent communication and presentation skills.
9.1 The law firms invited to this Request for Proposal are hereby informed that no relationship can exist between the firm and E4Impact Accelerator except on the basis of a formal written contract. This document constitutes only a solicitation of interest in and proposal for providing legal services to E4Impact Accelerator, and shall not be interpreted as an offer E4Impact Accelerator enter into a retainer agreement for such services. Your response will be treated as an offer to provide such services and not an acceptance of any offer made by E4Impact.
9.2 This Request for Proposal is based on the understanding that the review of and response to this Request for Proposal by the law firm will not entail any cost or obligation for E4Impact.
Eligible Consultant(s) should submit technical and financial proposals in electronic format. Proposals should also include inter alia:
10.1 Statement of relevant experience i.e. similar assignments executed in/under execution in the last five years;
10.2 Measurable goals and objectives and methodology;
10.3 Indication of availability to carry out the Consultancy during the period July 1st 2022 to April 30, 2023;
10.4 Supporting documents such as CVs are to be attached as appendix
Proposals should be sent not later than 1600hrs on June 27, 2022 via procurement.kenya@e4impact.org.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.