E4Impact Foundation is part of the consortium implementing “Support to Resilience for Sustainable Livelihoods” project in Isiolo County funded by the European Union.
The overall objective of the DRIC Project is to contribute towards increased resilience to droughts and other negative impact of climate change for vulnerable groups and reduce the number of children under 5 years who are stunted in Isiolo County (WHA – Global Nutrition Target 1 for 2025).
The Specific Objective of the project is: to enhance Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) for vulnerable Pastoralist and Agro-pastoralist Communities in Isiolo County, generating sustainable livelihoods, protecting productive assets and improving climate-smart county service delivery. The action will target beneficiaries located mainly in 6 priority wards namely Oldonyiro, Ngaremara, Chari, Cherab, Kinna and Garbattula.
E4Impact Foundation is implementing activities related to strengthening the resilience of pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities through entrepreneurship, links to markets and development of value chains, enhancing the One Village One Product Initiative, and lobbying Isiolo County to incorporate climate-smart technologies for strengthening resilience
Access to markets remains one of the key challenges that agribusiness entrepreneurs face when trying to access market. High dependency on traditional marketing channels by the target beneficiaries’ further limits access to wider markets for their products both within Isiolo County and beyond. In addition, many entrepreneurs lack the knowledge and skills to utilize digital marketing to complement the traditional marketing approaches.
E4Impact is seeking the services of a consultant to develop an online marketplace for the products, services identified in the project and provide digital marketing services in Isiolo County. The objective of the online marketing platform is to link producers from Isiolo County to markets within the County and beyond. The consultant will develop the content for the online tool which will then be linked to the county portal for marketing products from the county. The consultant will be expected to develop a methodology to guide the target beneficiaries on how to identify and select the best strategy to market their product both locally and beyond. The consultant is expected to provide in-depth knowledge and step-by-step guideline on the strategy to be followed for the successful marketing of the identified products and services.
The aim of this ToR is to invite interested IT and Digital Marketing Agencies / firms or experts to develop and submit their responses on:
- Online marketing platform for Isiolo County animal and crop products. This online platform will support entrepreneurs from the region promote and sell their products and interact with their customers. As the number of entrepreneurs increase, the website will provide visibility and market opportunities linking the seller (entrepreneur) and the buyers.
The Marketplace will include the following sub platforms.
- A website that replicates most all features and optimized for mobile access
- An admin dashboard for content control and analytics
- A web back end. This will serve both the app and the dashboard plus the website with content
- Relevant social media pages to support traffic to come to the online Marketplace.
- Improve smallholder market access for product marketing and input supplies through setup and roll out of social media campaigns for Isiolo county products. The consultant will be expected to link the traditional marketing platforms to the digital platform for more impact.
- Create a separate digital/online presence for a farm input cooperative. E4Impact Foundation is currently supporting. This should include key social media pages for the Co-operative that will be used to drive traffic back to the Marketplace Website/ online platform and the farm input co-operative website.
Consultancy Deliverables
The following is the scope of work for short term assignment.
Scope of Work | Deliverables |
Marketing Analysis and Marketing strategy |
Website and marketplace Platform |
Content creation and Audience Engagement |
Branding |
Digital Campaigns |
Media Schedule and Boosting |
Digital Media Partnerships |
Performance Report |
Training and support
- The consultant or firm must be a full-service media agency with the required manpower/personnel and staff that is duly established in Kenya.
- A proven track record with Digital Marketing campaigns, experience in online media planning and media buying, Social Media, email marketing among others
- The Consultant or Firm must have must have supported at least 3 clients successfully develop and implement a digital marketing strategy and executed it to deliver traction and sales generation.
Project Duration & Timelines
The consultancy will be for 2 months with a 4 month support from the consultant or firm.
Application Process
For consultant(s) interested to bid for the assignment, they are required to submit one proposal to accelerator.kenya@e4impact.org by 7th May 2021 with the email subject: TOR Digital Marketing Services
Download the FULL Terms of Reference here>> TERMS OF REFERENCE – DRIC Marketplace